Friday, June 20, 2008

The End to a Busy Week

Whew! This has been one busy week! Juliana and Jacob have been at Kidz Camp all week along with Jared who is camp staff, in charge of games and then helping where needed.
On Monday I was a driver for a field trip to the ice-skating rink. Then Wednesday I was a driver and chaperone for a field trip to the zoo. Boy was it HOT!!! But everyone had a great time.
Kids are dropped off at the church each morning at 8:30 AM and picked up at 5:30 PM. Breakfast is served when they get there. This is one of Jacob's favorite parts of camp. Why do you ask? Is he a breakfast lover? Well, no, not exactly. You see at camp he can choose from Cocoa Puffs, Trix, Lucky Charms, etc....cereal that I will not buy. He comes home bragging about the amount of "junk cereal" he was able to consume that morning. :) He'll suffer from withdrawals next week I'm sure.
As soon as camp finishes this evening Juliana and Jacob will begin planning and saving for Kidz Camp next year. They LOVE it!!


Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Aww Camp...we'll be doing church camp in about a week. I'll be going with my daughter as counselor!

I love the cereal story...oh well...every once in awhile it's ok!

~ Tammy

PianoPlayer said...

Junk cereal, huh? Like mother - like son.
