Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Makeover Birthday Surprise!!!!

Last Thursday I celebrated my 39th birthday. Several months ago I had told Todd that all I wanted for my birthday was a clean bedroom. We have lived in our house for 7 years and our bedroom has always functioned as our bedroom and a storage room. Ugh! There wasn't even one picture hanging on the wall. It was a gloomy place. Todd began working on my "gift" right away going through many of his boxes of electronic stuff, old hobby stuff and cleaning each box out one by one. I re-organized one of our closets. A week before my birthday the room was cleaned out of all the stuff that didn't belong. A few days before my birthday, my good friend Lesa surprised me by telling me that on my birthday she was going to take me away for the day to the IKEA store in Orlando and my mom was coming with us. She had arranged for childcare for the kids and she'd see me bright and early on Thursday. I couldn't believe it! I've wanted to go to IKEA since it opened! Thursday morning came and my mom shows up at my house and announces that Lesa can't go. The repairman was coming to fix her freezer and she had to be there. I suggested canceling the trip but mom insisted we go. It had been a long time since we had enjoyed a day together, just the two of us. I kissed the kids goodbye as well as my dad who was the official care giver for the day and we headed off, stopping for breakfast at Cracker Barrel of course. Now, little did I know that when Todd had left for work that morning he really had gone off to Lowes and that he and friends of mine were waiting in the wings for the go ahead that I was gone so that they could come in and give me a room makeover. All day while mom and I were enjoying our day at IKEA my dear friends and family (Todd,Jared, Dad, Jessie, Lesa, Terri, Jen, Kyle and Curtis) were working like crazy painting and making over my room as well as the bathroom. Jen and Lesa helped the kids make a beautiful, mosaic bed tray for me. You can see it in some of the pics. When I got home around 6:30 that evening I picked up Jordan who is always so glad to see me when I've been gone and he pointed to my closed bedroom door and said, "You have to go in there." I opened my door to a beautiful room, and shouts of "Happy Birthday" from a room full of friends. I could not believe that I was looking at my room! Our friend Curtis who is an excellent photographer had been here all day filming and taking pictures of the whole thing as well as some great pics of the kids which he printed, framed and placed in the room. All day at IKEA I had picked up and then put back things for decorating room because I couldn't seem to make a final decision. I had told my mom, "Maybe when the room is completely painted I'll kind of have a better idea of what I want". I'm so glad I didn't get anything! The choices made by Todd and my friends were perfect! They are far too good to me! Looking back there were many strange little things said and done by my friends which were all part of their sneaky little surprise. My mom also received several calls on her cell phone as we got closer to home where she reported how far away we were. (smile) What a wonderful gift! I'm not referring to the room either, but instead the wonderful, God-given blessing of love and friendship that I have the privilege of sharing with these dear people. Thank you everyone for making my birthday unforgettable. Did I mention that they also had a wonderful dinner prepared for everyone and a birthday cake? You all are AWESOME!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Friends watch as I get a tour.My beautiful bed tray. Do you see the heart?

Laughing at their stories of all the mishaps that happened during the day and the ways they had tricked me over the last month and a half!

Those beatiful pics of the kids I told you about. Thanks Curtis!Todd's special design in the room. Nice huh?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Already!

I don't know why it is so hard for me to post regularly. Could it be that I have 5 children ages 2 - 15? That I homeschool? Am involved at church? Have lots of laundry to do all the time? Could be. Although most of the time I just don't think I have much to say that would be of any interest to anyone. I think that's the main thing that keeps me from posting regularly. Life around here is very normal, day-to-day stuff. Kids wanting to be fed, schoolwork, settling arguments, caring for animals, cleaning, and oh, did I mention the laundry?

I can hardly believe that seven months have passed since I started this blog. It was spring time. Everything was green, our garden was in and I had volunteer black-eyed susans coming up all over the place! Now, most everything is brown, except for a few splashes of orange, red and yellow sprinkled throughout the woods. I love each season and the changes that they bring.

Our garden now is only 3 boxes with cabbage, lettuce, brocolli and strawberries.
Even so, I am already looking forward with anticipation to the warming weather of spring and thinking of what we will plant when the time is right.

Juliana, Jacob and I have been doing a creation study about birds. We have so enjoyed seeing all the migratory birds that have been visiting our feeder each day to partake of the peanut butter suet called marvel meal that we make for them. Our conversations often turn towards a discussion of the greatness of God as we marvel at His wondrous feathered creations. Each one so unique and beautiful. I think it has been one of our favorite studies. (In case you are interested, it is Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day from Apologia curriculum.)

We have all had our first cold now. We can usually count on the first congestion to arrive by Thanksgiving and this year it did not disappoint us. I think the only one who was spared was Jacob. (how DID he mangage that?). That's one of the problems of sickness in large families. By the time it runs through everyone in the household you could have spent a month at home and have a desperate case of cabin fever! Thankfully, we are all better now and looking forward to the celebration of Christ's birth.
May the Lord richly bless all of you with the sweetness of knowing Him this season.