FOR TODAY, Monday, Sept. 8, 2008...
Outside My Window...I finally bought a new bag of sunflower seeds for the birdfeeder. So nice to see the birds back there again. How DID they know that I had refilled the feeder after all this time?
I am thinking... that I really shouldn't be sitting here typing this right now but rather getting to my "to-do" list but....I really want to post SOMETHING!
I am thankful for... words of encouragement. A youth leader yesterday told us some great things he had observed in our oldest son, Jared. (Note: if you work with kids, take time to tell their parents the great things you notice. I assure you, they'll be blessed by your words.)
From the kitchen... a chicken casserole and hopefully a yummy, homemade carrot cake
I am wearing... my bum around the house shorts and shirt
I am creating... boxes filled with stuff to go to the thrift store as I clean out a closet.
I am going... nowhere
I am reading... a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I can't tell you how many books I am half-way through right now.
I am hoping... to get some seeds started by the end of this week for fall planting.
I am hearing... Juliana, Jordan and Jacob are watching The Grinch
Around the house... that closet cleaning that I mentioned before
One of my favorite things... laughing with friends
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: closet cleanout and organization, removal of all items that are being given away (you know how they usually sit in that box by your door for a few weeks once you clean them out :( ), some baking, a meeting to plan some special church social events
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
Juliana is such a "ham", she is always making us laugh. Here she is with her funny teeth in.
I'm so glad to be able to participate with the others in this Notebook entry. You can visit The Simple Woman's blog
1 comment:
The things that turn up in closets - where did they come from? I think junk clones itself! I am so thankful for the ministry of the thrift store near us. It not only gives us a place to donate the "good junk" we clear out, but it offers the people in our community a place to purchase, for very little money, clothes and household items they need.
Love the teeth.
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