Several weeks ago when the weather was so nice I took the kids on a field trip down to Busch Gardens. Jordan had been asking for some time about going wanting to ride the choo-choo train and see the elephants. Juliana and Jacob were looking forward to seeing the birds since we have been doing a bird study together. Jessie was all about riding the roller coasters and Jared was just along for the ride. Some homeschool friends met us there and we enjoyed the day together.
While we were looking at the flamingo's one of them decided to start preening the kids hair. We had just been learing about preening in our bird study so this experience was very fun and interesting. Deven, Jordan's little friend who was with us thought the whole thing was hilarious! He laughed and laughed as the flamingo preened his sister Shaye's hair as well as Jacob and Juliana's.
We got to pet an inguana and ask questions about it. We had never seen a lizzard being walked on a leash before. 

In addition to our day being educational, it was just plain fun as you can see from the pictures below.
Looks like a lovely day of fun!
I love the pictures of the kids, and am glad they had such a good time. The really great thing about Bush Gardens is that it is educational as well as just plain fun. Jacob told me all about the iguana. Do you think he has a future as a zookeeper in charge of reptiles, like Andy? Hmmm...
Wish we had a Busch Gardens when we were kids for a field trip. The best we got was the brook near the school or the fire house!!!!! LOVE the pictures!!!!
Shaye and Deven loved the pictures! Let's do that again soon! :)
Wow, Busch Gardens is my favorite place to your your blog
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