Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting the hang of this blogging stuff!

After lots of time spent on this today, I think I am finally getting the hang of how to do this. I even have music playing, are you impressed?We have been very busy around here this spring. March brought the celebration of Jacob's 7th birthday, our 18th anniversary and the work of putting in a garden. After lots of research online we decided to use the square foot gardening method. (Check out http://www.squarefootgardening.com/) It gives you lots of production in a small amount of space with the added benefits of very little weeding and prep work as well as the ability to be utilizing every square foot of garden space all season long.

Come April it was time to celebrate Jared's 15th birthday as well as help him get prepared to take the test for his learner's permit. (Yikes!) Our garden was beginning to finally look like one. Little green seedlings were poking there heads up through the soil. Blossoms, where one day fruit would appear were shining their bright faces. Each morning brought new joy for my two little gardeners and me as we walked around the garden looking at what God had grown overnight. Then it happened, the forecast called for an unseasonably late cold front. Temps here fell into the 30's overnight for 2 nights in a row! Thankfully our tender plants were spared much damage. Whew! We also got a new family member. Her name is Ebony and she came to us all the way from the Poynter farm in TN. Isn't she cute?

It is now May. We have celebrated Juliana's 9th birthday twice. Once at Adventure Island with friends and then again this past Sunday when we had a double celebration with family for her birthday and Mother's Day. Jared drove for the first time this past Sunday coming home from church. There were several times during the drive that I realized I was holding my breath and my stomach felt as if I had been doing crunches! The garden is beautiful! So far we have picked and enjoyed green beans, salad greens, cucumbers, onions and yellow squash. I expect our first ripe tomato within the next week. Jacob is beginning to think that the kind of tomatoes we are growing are GREEN tomatoes.


Farmhouse Blessings said...

Happy birthday to all your precious ones! What a joy to have a full quiver!

Your garden plot is amazing. Oh my, I must look into that gardening technique. I'm afraid my first experimental plot may not produce. It is not a prime location but I just had to try it. We are preparing a large field for next year, however, and for that I am very thankful.

Can't wait to see your harvest! I did see the watermelons. It took me quite a while to find them. So cute.

Many blessings,

mammaof5js said...

Before plowing out a large spot of ground let me suggest that you check out the square foot gardening website or get the book by the same name from your local library. Believe me, it will change your thinking about gardening. We are a homeschooling family too and I need to get the maximum production for the least amount of time spent weeding and working the garden. We have tried gardening several times and so far this has been the best, most productive, pest free way we have tried so far. I have enjoyed to process so much.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Lea's....love the square foot gardening technique and want to try it in our backyard...we do have several fruit trees, tomatoes in barrels, and even a boysenberry bush...
your blog looks great! and you are going to enjoy blogging, I sure do...I've had mine up and running since last October and met so many nice people, made new friends and had a blast...