Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Raining!!!! :)

I am sitting here in my very dimly lit kitchen enjoying the darkness that has fallen over the house because guess what.......! IT IS RAINING!!!! THERE HAS EVEN BEEN SOME THUNDER!!!! It hasn't rained here since late March or early April. I wish it would do this all day. Everything has bee so dry and dusty. (Ooooo...there was more thunder:) ) My garden won't recognize this water source!
Speaking of the garden, today or tomorrow we should harvest our first ripe tomato. I will let Jacob do the honors and be sure to get a picture. He has had such a hard time being patient as they have been large and green for what seems like forever to him.
It is officially time for school to start. It is so hard for me to stay on track with finishing up our studies as the school year draws to a close. The garden is always calling to me as well as other projects that are needing to be done. Lord, help me stay on task. June 4th is just around the corner. I can make it!


Renna said...

Mmm, the thought of biting into a garden ripe juicy red tomato is making my mouth water! :-)

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I just bought tomatos at the stand and they were terrible!!!!

Wasn't that rain just divine????? I thought of your garden as it came down. Buster and I were sitting on the porch and I was just thanking God for it! Not sure Buster was too happy, though!


PianoPlayer said...

Both of us posted comments about the rain. It was a real newsmaker here on the roost. Did Jakey get to pick a tomato today? I hope he enjoyed the fruit of his labors.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Glad you're getting the rain! We've had plenty! I'm ready for the sunshine!

We're finishing up our school year too. Next week is our last full week for regular school duties. We really never officially stop through the summer...

Have a great day!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

May 28th is our last day of the official school year too. The outdoors does keep calling me as well and we did plant flowers today for science! But I'm looking forward to a more flexible schedule as well.

That tomato sure sounds good!
