Thursday, May 15, 2008

Unexpected Blessings

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have so kindly welcomed and encouraged me as a new blogger with your comments. A special thank you goes out to my friend Cora who so graciously introduced me to her blogging friends and has become my "go-to blogging guru". I appreciate your help.
In addition to the unexpected blessing of meeting new friends through my blog (I honestly didn't really think of that aspect when I started) I had the unexpected blessing of finding some peppers, tomatoes and tomatillos growing in my compost pile this morning. They were hiding under the cantaloupe and honeydew vines that have sprouted there. (I know this is NOT the intended purpose for a compost pile but since I already have a pile of usable compost ready, I have decided to let these volunteers do their thing). Anyway, I carefully lifted the little seedlings out of their dwelling place and transplanted them in their own little square in the garden. They may or may not do well, however, it was just a pleasant little surprise this morning to find them growing there. My husband jokingly said that maybe next year we should just spread compost piles everywhere, throw in our scraps and let nature do it's work. We even have potatoes growing in our pile!
Just as each little plant that I uncovered and moved this morning is special and unique, so are each of you who have stopped by my blog and left kind words. I look forward to discovering the special and unique things about each of you as I move around to your blogs.
Thanks for the welcome,


Toby Parsons said...

I found you via Cora's blog. You have a lovely garden and blog as well!!! I'll try to visit you often! I'm so glad you homeschool your children!!! :) I pray you always will. :)

Anonymous said...

I too found you through Cora's blog..we've been online friends for some your blog and will be back!

Renna said...

What a great blessing in the unexpected plants. God loves to bless His kids! :-)

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Isn't it wonderful when God leaves us those little unexpected blessings? How fun!

Wishing you a day filled with joy & wonder,

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Hello, I also came to visit via Cora's blog. What a wonderful blog home you have started, it's beautiful and I am envious of your gardening....we are very behind here in Minnesota! I'll be back to visit :)

Kathi :)

Paula said...

Oh Tracee, thank you so much for stopping by my place and leaving such sweet comments!! It's so nice to "meet" you!
Yay for all your little "unexpected" plants... that's so neat!
I have enjoyed my visit here with you so much. I'll be back for another visit... please stop by my place anytime!!

Juri said...

Ilove your blog! This post was fun to read, as Cor and I were throwing tons of compost into a pile one year and that summer it was the most beautiful compost pile on earth....morning glories took over and covered the entire pile, blooming all day in the shade!!!! It was a lovely thing to see in the woods! Keep up writing, it is fun to read, neighbor!
